These children were without hope. Together we are restoring their hope.  

We have come a long way. All because of your obedience to God. May you lack no good thing.

Seeing is proof of what your support does in the lives of these children. Click Here to find out!

Now we can work on building the dining hall and finishing the water well.

Matthew 10:42 NKJV Jesus said: And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward."

Help us build a much needed water well. #childrenneedcleanwater.

You can help by becoming a monthly supporter of any amount. You can also give a onetime gift. If you cannot do that, please share this page and foremost important pray for God to send people to help support this ministry. Any support is appreciated. 

Much needed restoration 

For Orphanage Information, Prayers or anything else please Contact Us . We love hearing from you.

     Welcome to Valerio Ministry Orphanage Home. Valerio Ministry was created in response to the struggle of orphans, abandoned and street children. Homeless children lack access to basic living conditions, safety, education and caring guidance. Unprotected, these children are vulnerable to mental illness, trauma, addiction, sexual illness and HIV infection. Within the homeless population, homeless children, especially girls, are at the highest risk of trauma and sexual exploitation, which can lead to pregnancies that lead to new generations of street people. Therefore, homeless children deserve our attention. In Kenya, the size, nature and capacity of support services to prevent school dropouts, street children are major issues.

    The orphanage is located in Migori County, Kenya,

Our main goal is to meet the needs of children to achieve their dreams.

    Since 2013, this project was under the initiation of Mr. Goffrey Andalo and Belinda his wife (a pastor and a social worker). Who has been actively involved in children's affairs, both in the church and outside it, in different capacities? In that regard, Belinda has volunteered in the children's department for a period of eight years, of which she fought hard for the rights and well-being of children. She cares and has a passion for helping children on different levels. This is where the passion to fight for children's rights comes from, especially the right to education, clothing and housing.

    When we learned of the needs of these children, in 2020, Valerio Ministry was born. We believe that God has called Luis and Patty Valerio to respond to the cry of these children. Together with The Goffrey's we began to build a home for these children. But you can't do it alone. We need your help to finish the buildings and restore hope to these children. These children have been scattered and in danger for far too long. They need a place where they can be together, take care of and feel safe.

   The Valerio Ministry Orphanage Home is an upcoming home for the needy Children. The institution is deficient of building structures as well as other infrastructure, water availability standing out as scarce. The home started housing 30 children with only one two rooms building. Catering for both male and female boarding children, dining and even Classes. Now three years later we are housing 65 children. 

    The institution is currently grappling with the development of the school infrastructure by way of housing, classes, and water reticulation. 

    With supporters like you we have finished both dormitories separating male and females. Now the children have a place to sleep. But they also use the dormitories to eat and do their studies.

    We need funds to help finish all the constructions. Most important we need to work on now is clean water. We need your support to finish the water well and a dining hall.

    We were building a dining hall but turned it into one of the dormitories to keep the children safe. So, by that being said we still need to build a dining hall. That way the children will have a place to eat, and they will also use the hall to work on their studies comfortably. This will help in many ways, ex. Keep dormitories clean, help the children be healthy, and more focus on their studies.